Title Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

Buying a home is, for many of us, the biggest single investment we’ll ever make. Knowing this, most homeowners provide for the security and safe keeping of their homes by insuring them against hazards such as fire, theft and weather damage. Browse our frequently asked questions section to find answers to the most commonly asked questions regarding title insurance.

Helpful Links

We work with a lot of local Northern Michigan businesses and organizations and we have compiled a list to help you connect with them.

Best Practices & C.F.P.B.

Mid-American Title is proud to be a member of the American Land Title Association (ALTA) and is in compliance with ALTA’s recommendation of Best Practices for Title Insurance. Check out our best practices page to learn how we protect consumers, promote quality service, provide for ongoing employee training, and meet legal and market requirements.


We have put together a collection of some of the most commonly requested documents to help you find the answers you need. This includes rate sheets, listing service documents, order forms, calendars and a helpful glossary of real estate terms.

First Time Homebuyers

Purchasing a home is a significant financial undertaking for anyone, especially for first-time home buyers who are making their first large purchase through credit. To avoid financial disasters such as bankruptcy or foreclosure, first-time home buyers should conduct thorough research on real estate prices, neighborhoods and financing options. Visit our page dedicated to first time homebuyers and get the knowledge to help you with your new purchase.